These study guides are about Yahweh whose name is not “the Lord.”
Even a cursory reading of Isaiah 42:8 (I AM the Lord that is my name) should cause any believer to fall off his or her seat and say, “Wait a minute, What”?
Isaiah 42:8 I am the LORD (H3068) that is my name (H8034) and my glory (H3519) will I not give (H5414) to another (H312), neither my praise (H8416) to graven images (H6456)
- The transliteration of Strongs H 3068-YHWH is pronounced in English as “Yahweh” with two syllables.
- Names are transliterated and words are translated.
- The word lord is a title given unto men, it can never be used as a substitute for the name of Yahweh, nor can the name of Yahweh be translated as “the Lord.”
- Adonai is a title meaning “my Lord” and was created as a replacement for the name of Yahweh. It did not exist in the original Hebrew language.
- While ancient Hebrew initially lacked a written system for vowels, they obviously were utilized in the spoken form.
- If the name of Yahweh (Yhwh) was unpronounceable because it is comprised of consonants, then all names including David’s (Dvd), could not be pronounced either.
Isaiah 42:8 I AM Yahweh that is my name, and my glory shall you not give to another, neither give praises to graven images
Invoking the name of Yahweh is an act of faith and reliance on the God of our Salvation. Consider what was declared in Exodus 20:7, “Thou shalt not take the name of Yahweh thy God in vain.”
This commandment warns against misusing or abusing Yahweh’s name or using it in a false, deceptive or profane manner (Ezekiel 36:20-23). To replace Yahweh’s sacred name with a title reserved for men would equate to “taking His name in vain.”
Yahweh commands His children to call upon His name.
Joel 2:32 states, “And it shall come to pass that whosoever calls on the name of Yahweh shall be saved.”
The scribes replaced Yahweh’s name with the title of “Lord” which is given to men. This act of disobedience is disrespectful and vain; it also represents a purposeful and deceptive act, as the promise of Salvation is through Yahweh alone.
Isa 45:22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am Yahweh and there is none else
The revelation of the Father is through the Son, who is the image thereof (Isa 9:6, 2 Cor 4:4, Col 1:15, John 14:7-9, Heb 1:3).
For our Messiah to be the Savior, He must also be Yahweh. The revolutionary study guide entitled “The Lord said to my Lord” exposes this fundamental truth.
In the Old Testament, Yahweh (whose name has been changed to the LORD) is the only Savior, while in the New Testament, both the Lord Jesus and the LORD God are said to be Saviors (1 Tim 1:1, Jude 1:25, Titus 2:13, Rom 5:8-9, 10:9).
And therein lies the crux of the problem, for if these two Lords’ were not penned into the scriptures, there could not be a trinity.
Isa 43:11 I am Yahweh, and beside me there is no Savior
It is a great privilege to call upon the name of Yahweh, and boldly Proclaim that Yahweh is the only one with the power to Save our Souls (Acts 2:21, Rom 10:13, Joel 2:32).
Rom 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of Yahweh shall be saved
We are called to bring to light the mistranslated scriptures that have been penned into both the Old and New Testaments by the lying pen of the scribes (Eph 4:14, 2 Tim 2:15-16, 4:3-4, Rom 16:17).
Discover the Sacredness and Significance of Yahweh’s name
2 Tim 2:15-16 Study to shew thyself approved unto Yahweh, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings, for they will increase unto more ungodliness
I pray these study guides may illuminate the path that leads to discovering the truth through the infilling of Yahweh’s Spirit.
Yahweh’s Elect shall shine forth as the sun in His Kingdom, and this present-day darkness will one day soon be no more (Mat 5:14-16, 6:23, 13:41-43, Luke 11:35, John 1:5, 12:46, James 1:7, Eph 5:8, 1 Peter 2:6-10, 1 John 1:5).
Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart Yahweh, and renew a right spirit within me
To understand Yahweh’s Word, we must be taught by His Spirit. The alternative is to be led astray and follow the doctrines and commandments of men (1 John 2:27, Titus 1:9-11, 1 Cor 2:4, 11-13, Psa 25:5, 86:11, 119:66).
Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be Spiritually minded is life and peace